React.createRef vs React.useRef

Thursday, March 3, 20222 min read

What is a ref?

A ref is defined as any value that does not trigger a component re-render when it is changed. A ref can be created with React.useRef() hook or by the React.createRef() function.


The React.createRef() is a function that creates a new ref every time, it does not save its value between re-renders, instead creates a new instance of the ref for every re-render.

On class refs are created using React.createRef() and attached to React elements via the ref attribute, are commonly assigned to an instance property when a component is constructed so they can be referenced throughout the component.

1class MyComponent extends React.Component {
2 constructor(props) {
3 super(props);
4 this.myRef = React.createRef();
5 }
6 render() {
7 return <div ref={this.myRef} />;
8 }

Accessing Refs

When a ref is passed to an element in render, a reference to the node becomes accessible at the current attribute of the ref.

1const node = this.myRef.current;

The value of the ref differs depending on the type of the node:


The React.useRef() is a hook that uses the same ref throughout, it saves its value between re-renders in a functional component and doesn't create a new instance of the ref for every re-render.

You can, however, use the ref attribute inside a function component as long as you refer to a DOM element.

1function CustomTextInput(props) {
2 const textInput = useRef(null);
4 function handleClick() {
5 textInput.current.focus();
6 }
8 return (
9 <div>
10 <input type="text" ref={textInput} />
11 <input type="button" value="Focus the text input" onClick={handleClick} />
12 </div>
13 );


The difference is that React.createRef() will always create a new ref in a class-based component, React.useRef() takes care of returning the same ref each time as on the initial rendering.

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