Using startTransition in React

Monday, July 24, 20232 min read

Hook startTransition, introduced in React version 18, simplifies managing asynchronous UI transitions in your React applications.

In this blog post, we'll explore the ease and benefits of using startTransition to create smoother and more responsive user interfaces.

Understanding startTransition

The startTransition is a powerful function in React that works hand in hand with the useTransition hook, it helps manage asynchronous operations and transitions, ensuring your application remains interactive and responsive during rendering updates.

How startTransition works

Using startTransition is simple. It takes a single argument: a function that represents the asynchronous operation or state change.

How you can use it:

1import { startTransition } from "react";
3const fetchData = () => {
4 // Simulating an asynchronous data fetch
5 startTransition(() => {
6 // Your data fetching operation here
7 });

Once you call startTransition, React treats any rendering updates within the function as low-priority updates.

This means that React will defer rendering expensive components or updates until the transition is complete, creating a smoother user experience.

Best practices using startTransition

Benefits of using startTransition


In conclusion, startTransition is a valuable tool for React developers, simplifying the management of asynchronous transitions and rendering updates.

By using startTransition alongside the useTransition hook, you can create high performing React applications with seamless user interfaces.

Consider integrating startTransition into your projects to take advantage of its benefits and provide a better user experience.

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